Corrupted file?



Here's a strange one. When I change a file in my local site and go to save
it, I get "An error occurred accessing your Windows SharePoint Services site
files." I click OK and get the window that asks me if I want to save. I click
No but it goes ahead and saves the page. I then publish the file and get,
"The server"" timed out. The current request did not complete successfully."
I click OK and find that the page has been updated with the changes in the
live site. When I try to copy and paste a folder, I get the SharePoint
Services error as above so it appears that the folder has not been saved.
However, when I close FP and reopen, the new folder is there. I publish
several subwebs to this same dedicated server and they're all working fine.
It's just this one particular web that is doing this? I've defragged, run
scandisk, reinstalled FP 2003 and rebooted. Is the entire site corrupt or
just a file? Can a corrupt file be fixed? This started yesterday morning.

Steve Easton

Go here: and download FP Cleaner.
Run the functions that clear the Temporary files and the Cache{.web} files.

Then see if it's fixed.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Thanks, Steve. Tried it. Didn't work. I spent an hour with Microsoft Tech
Support. I'm going to create a new folder on my local and publish from the
remote to that new folder.

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