corrupted files

  • Thread starter Mátyás Hunyady
  • Start date

Mátyás Hunyady

Hello All,

i encoutered a problem during opening a corrupted Word file (the file was
recovered with Easy Recovery Pro from a formatted volume). I tried
everything( different encodings, Open>>recover text from any file, save as
webpage then reopen, open in Wordpad or in Notepad, different Word repairing
programs etc.) but all failed and the only thing i see is a bunch of code
with chineselike characters. I would really appreciate anybody' s opinion on
this and suggestions for the possible solution. Is it possible that the file
is so damaged that i won' t be able to read it? I was very happy that the
recovery from the formatted volume succeeded but if i can' t read it, it was
completely in vain .

thanks for helping
Mátyás Hunyady

JE McGimpsey

=?Utf-8?B?TcOhdHnDoXMgSHVueWFkeQ==?= <Mátyás
i encoutered a problem during opening a corrupted Word file (the file was
recovered with Easy Recovery Pro from a formatted volume). I tried
everything( different encodings, Open>>recover text from any file, save as
webpage then reopen, open in Wordpad or in Notepad, different Word repairing
programs etc.) but all failed and the only thing i see is a bunch of code
with chineselike characters. I would really appreciate anybody' s opinion on
this and suggestions for the possible solution. Is it possible that the file
is so damaged that i won' t be able to read it? I was very happy that the
recovery from the formatted volume succeeded but if i can' t read it, it was
completely in vain .

Since you mentioned Wordpad and Notepad, I assume you're not using a Mac
or Word for Macintosh (which is the focus for this group), so I can't
say whether there might not be some Windows utility that could more
thoroughly recover the file.

However, given the results of the things you've tried, it certainly
sounds as if Easy Recovery Pro was able to recover anything other than

While WinWord is somewhat better at recovering corrupt files than
MacWord, it can't recover text where there isn't any.

If the file is critical, I would consider sending the drive to a
commercial recovery service which can use more sophisticated methods for
rebuilding files.

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