Corruption of Large 6MB File with Loss of Data in Excel 2000


Alan Tunnicliffe

The problem is:

A larg file has been created, using mulitple sheets, and
lookups, to drive some graphs. When one sheets is cut down
using filters (Does Not equal, then delete row) and is
saved the file seems to then corrupt itself. Any attempt
to open it again gets to the password (yep password
preotection, company policy - so Open Office may not
help!) starts opening (about half the blocks) before
giving Critical Stop and an Application Error. Error
message is 'Instruction at"0x308d0ea9" refernced memory
at "ox0d569000". The memory could not be "read".'

This happens on my machine (Coompaq Evo600, P3 and 128MB)
and on previous machine (Compaq Armada) It has also
affected colleagues running other mahcines, and happened
in Excel 97 as well as the current Excel2000. Running
Win2k, and the Windows Networking.

Any help would be fantastic, I am fed up of losing days of
work to this bug (and I hae tried our IT support - Nada!)

Thanks in Advance.



I had a similar problem where opening a workbook kept
crashing Excel completely. In my case this was due to
some VBA code I had running whenever the workbook opened.

In order to get the workbook opened and bypass all of the
code running at opening time, what you can do is create a
small VBA routine in any blank workbook or in your
personal.xls workbook.

This code could look like this :

Sub Open_Eventless()
Application.EnableEvents = False
Selected_File = Application.GetOpenFileName
Workbooks.Open FileName:=Selected_File
Application.EnableEvents = False
End Sub

Next, from Excel run this macro (press Alt+F8 and select
the Open_Eventless macro from the list, then press Run).

You will be prompted to browse to the Excel file you want
to open. When you select that file and click on open, the
Excel file will be opened suppressing all Excel
application events which might trigger macros or updates.

Not sure if this will solve your problem, but who
knows ...

(P.S. I've already noticed that this does not allow you
to bypass file passwords set in Windows when you save a

Give me a shout or send me a mail when you get there ...


Alan Tunnicliffe

Thanks for the idea Phillip, unfortunately it doesn't seem
to have any effect. Same error message etc.

Any other ideas out there?

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