Legasaurus Rex
Just entering MS Office Online for the first time... I attempted to download
a template and the pop-up requiring me to agree to Microsoft's User Terms
appeared. Among the requirements, it states that it wants me to provide
financial information so I can be charged for services used. How do I know
how much I will be charged for a template download? I don't see any price
displayed for indivicual templates. Or, are they all free? If they are
free, why isn't that information posted so people know that ahead of time?
Or, am I really asking a stupid greenhorn question? Thanks in advance for
your response.
a template and the pop-up requiring me to agree to Microsoft's User Terms
appeared. Among the requirements, it states that it wants me to provide
financial information so I can be charged for services used. How do I know
how much I will be charged for a template download? I don't see any price
displayed for indivicual templates. Or, are they all free? If they are
free, why isn't that information posted so people know that ahead of time?
Or, am I really asking a stupid greenhorn question? Thanks in advance for
your response.