Cost handling




I have some difficulties in getting Project to show me the cost I wan't.
The case is that I have tasks that should be done on a 24 hour basis. But
the price is different during the time.
One price (Std. rate) is from 08:00 - 17:00 and another price (Overt.rate)
is the rest of the time.

How can I set this up so Project picks the right price at the right time?

Hope someone can help me with this because I have tried everything I know
but it doesn't work.

Thank you!!!


John Beamish

As I read your question, the difference in the rates is _not_ because the
work is overtime work. Instead, there is a shift premium when work is
done after 17:00.

Here's one possible solution.

A. You will have to code the resources with two sets of costs: regular
working hours costs and shift premium costs.

1. View | Resource sheet, double-click on the resource to display the
Resource Information dialog.
2. In the cost rate table, click on the "A (Default)" tab and enter a
standard rate.
3. Click on the "B" tab and enter a standard rate that represents your
"shift premium rate".

B. Build your schedule.
1. View | Gantt and enter the tasks.
2. Prepare your dependencies.
3. Assign resources.

C. Now we'll choose the "shift premium" rate.
1. View | Resource usage.
2. Insert the Cost column
3. Insert the Cost Rate table column.
4. Choose a task and click on the Cost Rate Table cell. You'll see a
dropdown. Choose "b".
5. You'll see the cost based on work being charged at the Shift Premium
6. Change it back to "a" and you'll see a cost based on work being
charged at the standard rate.



I have some difficulties in getting Project to show me the cost I wan't.
The case is that I have tasks that should be done on a 24 hour basis.
the price is different during the time.
One price (Std. rate) is from 08:00 - 17:00 and another price
is the rest of the time.

How can I set this up so Project picks the right price at the right time?

Hope someone can help me with this because I have tried everything I know
but it doesn't work.

Thank you!!!




Thank for your answer:

But the problem is that part of the task may be at one price time and the
task continous into the other price time. So I can't set the hole task to
be at B rate.

Do you have some other suggestions??

John Beamish

The only other possiblity to is create two tasks ... the first part of the
time is a task using one rate and the second part of the time is a second
task using the second rate.

Project is designed to track schedules and progress and, as a bonus, to
track some costs. The kind of cost tracking you are looking for (a single
task with costing that varies depending on the time of day the task is
performed) is quite beyond the scope of the product.

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