Cost of shipping calculation



Hi all,

I need a spreadsheet that will calculate the shipping costs for me.

I want it to be able to allow me to select the destination and enter
the total weight.

The total weight will be calculated as following:

If it is Less Than 15kg, then the Base rate is applied.
If it is Greater than 15Kg the amount over will be multiplied by the
Rate in which the destination lies.

For example:

I select destination, Sydney and the total weight being 9 Kg.

Then the Base rate only applies, which is $10.00.

If it the weight is 25Kg, then the base rate applies plus an amount per
Kilo over - say $0.75/Kg.

Therefore the total amount is $10.00 + $7.50 (25-15Kg = 10 * 0.75)

But I want to go a bit extra and display the following information when
a destination is selected from a drop down menu:

- The applicable Rate (1,2,3,4,5 or 6)
- The amount per extra Kg according to rate (0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40,
0.50 or 0.60)
- The Base amount
- The amount payable over 15Kg (per Kilo)
- Total amount payable

Nick Hodge


Someone may come along with a tailor-made solution but I suspect your
question has gone unanswered as it has about 5 questions and strikes of you
wanting someone to build a solution for you. Something which many people
who freely give advice on this board, earn money from in their 'other'

What you want is fairly simple to achieve, probably by setting up a separate
sheet with all the variables; destination, standard charges, overcharges,
etc and using a combination of VLOOKUP formulas and similar, but unless you
slim down your requirement or make some attempt yourself, you are unlikely
to get a solution.

I have seen major projects built by enquirers on these boards, learning huge
amounts in the process.

Good luck

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)

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