Cost on the Portfolio Analyzer View


S Williams

Can someone tell me what the cost is on the Portfolio Analyzer view? I have
published projects in MS Project Server and created a Enterprise Resource
Pool with the STD rates and Overtime rates entered. When I view these
projects in MS Project, the "Cost" field is displayed as the total hours
times the standard rate. I wanted to show a portfolio analyzer graph and
pivot table that shows this cost but the "Cost" in the Portfolio analyzer
view is showing as 0.

Thanks for any help you can give me?

S Williams

Reid McTaggart

In the time since you added rate information to the Enterprise Resource Pool
have you opened, recalculated, and saved your projects, and recalculated the

S Williams

The cube was created after I created the Enterprose Resource pool and I have
updated my projects and saved them to the server after I created the cube. I
am not sure how to recalculate. Can you tell me how to do this?

Reid McTaggart

In PWA: Admin > Manage Enterprise Features. From there. read the
instructions and make your selections.

S Williams

Thanks Reid, I'll try that on Monday but thought I did that yesterday.
Isn't that where you update the resource information on the cube?

Also, we have the cube recreated once a day automatically and it was last
updated on Friday. Is there a specific selection in this feature that
re-calculates the cost?


Reid McTaggart

If you made your changes on Thursday,including opening, recalculating, and
saving all projects, and then the Cube recalculated Friday, there's something
else wrong if you are not seeing any Cost info in the Cube.

In the Manage Enterprise Features are there are choices to recalculate the
Cube, or just to calculate resource availability. Assuming you have
scheduled the Cube to recalculate daily, AND you have selected an appropriate
date range for the Cube (so that it includes the projects for which you are
expecting to see cost data), then the cost data should show up.

Vadim Bogdanov

You may also consider change the name of the cube and try to rebuild it with
a new name.

S Williams

Hi Reid,

This is what I did this morning. I created another cube and updated the
information in the Cube. When I created a view to look at this cube, one of
my projects have cost associated with them but not all. When the enterprise
resource pool was first created the STD and Overtime rates were not there (we
weren't sure what the rates should be). It appears that any projects
published before we entered the rates are not calculating the cost (even if
we republish them now) but any project that we publish after the rates were
included in the enterprise resource pool are showing up.

Can you tell me how to republish the older projects so that the cost will
show up for these? Can I unpublish and then re-publish again, for example.


S Williams

Thanks Vadim.

I did do this yesterday and the new cube shows the cost of only one project
not all of the ones that are published. Could it be that the projects
published before the rates were entered in the enterprise resource pool are
not recalculating the cost even when we republish them?

S Williams

Reid McTaggart

Well, first, I'd open and recalculate one of the "problem" projects. Open
the project and press the [F9] key. Then, look at the contents of the Cost
field, either by adding the field to a view or by looking at one of the
built-in Cost reports. If the costs show up, then you know that Project is
picking up the rates from the resource rate tables. Save the project
(assuming it a ".Published" project, recalculate the Cube, and look for the
cost data.

If no costs show up in the project, then check to be sure that your
resources are actually enterprise resources (in the "Resource Sheet" view
they won't have Local Resource icons). Next, check that these resources have
rates associated with them. Finally, check a resource's rate table to be
sure that if there is a date range associated with the rate that it includes
the date range of the assignment.

S Williams

Thanks Reid for all your help. I wasn't aware that you had to press the 'F9'
key to recalculate the cost. Once I did that and saved the project, I had to
regenerate the Cube and the cost looked right.

Thanks for everyone's help on this. This is a great site.

S Williams

Reid McTaggart said:
Well, first, I'd open and recalculate one of the "problem" projects. Open
the project and press the [F9] key. Then, look at the contents of the Cost
field, either by adding the field to a view or by looking at one of the
built-in Cost reports. If the costs show up, then you know that Project is
picking up the rates from the resource rate tables. Save the project
(assuming it a ".Published" project, recalculate the Cube, and look for the
cost data.

If no costs show up in the project, then check to be sure that your
resources are actually enterprise resources (in the "Resource Sheet" view
they won't have Local Resource icons). Next, check that these resources have
rates associated with them. Finally, check a resource's rate table to be
sure that if there is a date range associated with the rate that it includes
the date range of the assignment.
Reid McTaggart
Alegient, Inc., Houston
Project Server Experts
Microsoft Certified Partner

S Williams said:
Hi Reid,

This is what I did this morning. I created another cube and updated the
information in the Cube. When I created a view to look at this cube, one of
my projects have cost associated with them but not all. When the enterprise
resource pool was first created the STD and Overtime rates were not there (we
weren't sure what the rates should be). It appears that any projects
published before we entered the rates are not calculating the cost (even if
we republish them now) but any project that we publish after the rates were
included in the enterprise resource pool are showing up.

Can you tell me how to republish the older projects so that the cost will
show up for these? Can I unpublish and then re-publish again, for example.


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