
Here is the background info. An employment agency called me and told me there
have a client who needs someone with access and excel expertise. They mailed
me the following info below from the client about the tasks. I told the agent
that I am only a basic access user and there are somethings that are new to
me here but the agent insists and say fine how about if the client interviews
you and I gave in to this. The client interviewed me and I told them I am
excel advanced but my access is basic. Well they went on to offer me the job.
I am starting soon so thats why I dont have much info but below is the info I
have. Can anyone tell me what algorithms are and do you think this is a task
that can be done by someone with basic access knowledge?

Access and Excel Expert to optimize European GA costing and quotation tool
to extend it into Costing and Quotation tool for Uptime.
- Updating and adding variables and fields (this can require some
re-engineering depending on current structure of tool), including building
algorithms in Access.
- Adding links to download information into the tool
- Improve User Appearance and Interface

Jeff Boyce


All of us were/are beginners at some point. How much time do you have to
get it done? How much do you expect to be paid for your time?

Without a lot more clarification of the requirements, the version(s) of
Access on which it must run, and the environment (PCs, network, ...), it's a
bit tough to estimate. I'd encourage you to either: 1) require more
requirements before "bidding" the job, or 2) establish an "iterative
development process", whereby you and the customer agree on a small, known
piece, you finish that, and get paid for it, then agree on the next piece.

The latter approach ensures that the customer is getting functional pieces
completed, ensures that the requirements are as "fresh" as is possible, and
ensures that you get paid for your work.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner


Well I am starting on the 6th of December and its a 6 weeks project. What
are algorithms and is it something that can be done by someone without
programming knowledge.

Amy Blankenship

I suspect what they mean by algorithms are queries or functions that
aggregate the data in whatever way is required by their business processes.
Just be warned--when a client has a requirement that is this nonspecific it
may take you six weeks just to get a spec you can work from, never mind do
the work--especially during the holidays.

Realistically, expect you'll actually start in January, and you'll be lucky
to be finished by March. When you get hired for something this fuzzy at
this time of year, count yourself fortunate if you get paid at all, because
the clients' expectations have already not been managed properly.

Good lick!



Amy these people will be employing me throug an agent and its actually a six
weeks thing starting soon and they have offered me a handsome rate which even
make me scared because it seems they need to have something professional at
the end of the 6 weeks.


frankly, i think you're setting yourself up for a 6-week+ nightmare here,
and you'll soon be cursing yourself for taking it on. as Amy says, the
stated requirements are extremely fuzzy - i doubt that any experienced
developer would commit to a strict timeframe on the basis of such

- Updating and adding variables and fields (this can require some
re-engineering depending on current structure of tool), including building
algorithms in Access.

if they're talking about re-engineering an existing Access application, that
means you're essentially going to have to "tear apart" the database to
understand how it functions, before you can make changes. this sort of task
can test the skills and patience of experienced developers, and is beyond
the average Access newbie - unless perhaps s/he already has extensive
programming experience (VB6, for instance) to draw on.

- Adding links to download information into the tool

downloading data into a database can range from extremely easy, using the
Import Wizard, to difficult (well, it'd be extremely difficult for me <g>),
by parsing data in the import file line by line, for instance.

- Improve User Appearance and Interface

again, that depends on the state of the current application. if it's already
at a place that your skill level would produce, then you're going to have to
substantially increase your skills to produce a substantially improved
interface. then again, the customer may want "improvements" that are very
minor from a development standpoint - small things that you already know how
to do, or can quickly learn.

only you can decide if it's wise to commit to this project, Percy. but you
have to consider the ramifications carefully. if you've worked with this
agency in the past, and especially if you want to do so in the future,
remember that if you're taking on more than you can handle that it will
jeopardize your relationship with the agency - and more importantly (to
them), their relationship with their client. if you're not reasonably
confident that you can satisfy the client within the stated deadline, then
declining the assignment will show the agency that they can depend on your
honesty and integrity regardless of the temptation of a "handsome rate".


Jeff Boyce


Both Amy and tina have offered excellent explanations and advice. I'll
repeat mine... unless you have better requirements up front, or unless you
can negotiate an iterative design/build/test/accept process, you may be
setting yourself up big time.

If you are a beginner at Access, the little you've described could take
several months of full time work to understand, develop and release. Access
has a steep learning curve.

It is a powerful tool, but that also means it takes some experience before
you can build what a user would call "simple". "Easy ... is HARD!"

Best of luck!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

Microsoft Registered Partner

David F Cox

Percy said:
Here is the background info. An employment agency called me and told me
have a client who needs someone with access and excel expertise. ..

They also have an employment agency who needs someone with Access and Excel
experience ....

Amy Blankenship

Percy said:
Amy these people will be employing me throug an agent and its actually a
weeks thing starting soon and they have offered me a handsome rate which
make me scared because it seems they need to have something professional
the end of the 6 weeks.

Believe me when I tell you that even a seasoned professional could not get
this done in 6 weeks at this time of the year. You need too much from your
client. Most of the people you need things from will likely be salaried
employees, which means they will be far too busy on eBay to deal with
something as trivial as you trying to meet your deadline. In the end,
though, you will be held responsible when you don't meet the deadline. This
kind of thing is iffy even when it's not the end of the year.

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