Costing mixed 5 day week and 7 day week resources in a task



Hi all,
I am trying to use project 2002 standard to prepare a cost estimate (All
though some at work say it is not an appropriate tool) a

A simple scenario, I have a task that runs over 6 working days (5 day
working week). It has one person who work 8 hour days mon-fri but needs
accommodation for each night including the weekend. So the Accommodation
resource cost needs to be calcualated on elapsed days not duration.

I tried making the accommodation a 24 calendar resource and running it as a
parallel hammock task linked to the start and finish of the workers but the
numbers don't come out as whole days.

Any suggestions. The same problem could occur with renting equipment for a
task on a daily basis with an intervening weekend

Clear as mud?



Steve House [Project MVP]

That's the sort of thing I usually use Excel to do a detailed cost estimate
and then link the total cost into the Fixed Cost cell in the MS Project
Gantt chart.


thanks for the feedback.
I was hoping that there was a way to do it just in MS project, automatically
allowing for calendar changes, holidays etc when the timeline changes. The
actual scenario is part of a much larger project and there have been a
number of plan restructures to meet the clients changing needs. I was
trying to avoid having to rework all the accommodation, equipment hire tasks
each time the staffing, plan, holidays and schedule changed.

I will do some experiments with linking as you suggest



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