Could I have stumped the Experts?????


Joe Gieder

Could I have stumped the Experts???

I use the following formula: =IF(ISNA(INDEX
to extract a minimum price from on tab called "Suppliers"
and input it into another tab called "Priced". I ususally
have several occurances of the same extended price
(SuppliersS<>0, this is what I look for) (SuppliersR is
unit price) but with different part numbers
(SuppliersD=$C68). When the formula matches the part I'm
looking for (SuppliersD=$C68) it gets the extended cost,
if the extended cost is the same for the part I'm looking
and another differernt item that's in a row above the
correct part it uses that unit cost (which is wrong). Is
there a way to help refine this formula so it only finds
the exact match for everything.
Sorry for the lengthy email, I hope someone out there can
help with this dilema.

TIA fo your help

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