Could Not Load an Object


vish tumu

I have a VBA Program with a number of Forms that works perfectly fine
on my PC. The same was copied over to another PC (note: not packaged
and copied over) and is generating the error message "Could Not Load
an Object becuase it is not available on this machine". I have no idea
which component of the program is causing the problem. I do have the
slider control on a form and I suspect this may be the cause of the
error message. How do I fix this problem? If I need to email a
component to the problem PC, what component do I email? if I need to
re-register the component on the problem PC, what do I need to do?
Grately appreciate your valuable comments on fixing this problem.
Thanks. Viswanath

vish tumu

Dear Jan, the problem is that the PC is another country and I am
unable to carry out this task. In general, what could be the cause of
this error message? Thanks! VISH

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Vish,
what could be the cause of
this error message?

Hard to say without knowing what reference is missing.
Sometimes when you use a control you have had to add to the standard
controls available in the userform control toolbox of the VBE, you have
the risk that your user may not have that particular control installed
on his machine. Then you may get that warning.


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP

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