Could not start the Project Server Queue Service




In a brand new instance of PWA, everything was working fine: I created a
small test project and saved it then published it quickly.

Then I imported the calendar from a .mpp file, I imported the resources from
the mpp file. Everything OK

Then I tried to import the .mpp file itself in the enterprise. But the
process seemed very long. In fact the Queuing processes were "Waiting for

I visited the Services and observed that the Events service and the Queue
Service were not started.

It tried to start them manually but i got the error message:

"Could not start the Microsoft Office Project Server Queue Service service
on local Computer.

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a
timely fashion."

What phenomena can block the start of these services?

Thanks for your help

Ben Howard

It could be anything, basically it sounds as though the server is overworked.
Try a good old reboot and see what happens.


Hi Ben,

The server is dedicated to Project Server and I'm still the only user. So I
think it is not overworked. I already rebbooted it twice without any result.
Could it be a problem on the GPO which manages the service account which is
running these services? The management of the server is subcontracted to
aother company.

Paul Conroy

You can try the following:-

Log onto the server with the service account being used for the Q service.

Enable Internet Access until the Q service starts. You can remove it once
it starts.

Paul Conroy

i'm assuming your using a proxy server for Internet Browsing. Allow WWW
access through the proxy for the Q Service account

sreenivas kondakindi

Thank you very much 'theprojectserverguru'. you saved my time in not wasting one more day in this issue. Enabling the internet in the server did fix the issue.

but still did not understand what made the diff.


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