Could someone please explain how I would use NoteOne in a....

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Could please explain NoteOne in class...

Could someone please explain how I would use NoteOne in a high school class

Would appricate it very much, thank you!

(e-mail address removed)

Chris H.

There are a lot of specific and non-specific ways OneNote can be used. I
would suggest you browse the information available here: Included are ways to
share OneNote, organizing personal notes, sharing in joint sessions with
other users, etc., etc.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

"Could please explain NoteOne in class..." <Could please explain NoteOne in
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

John Morrissey

Ok, sorry, i should have been a little clearer. I am a teacher at a high
school where every student has their own laptop and we are all wirelessly
connect to the net. I am trying to respond to a question from our computer
person at the school who wanted a reason for us to pursue such a program. I
have just seen OneNote because of a templete I wanted to download, but need
OneNote. So the quesiton was:

Could someone please explain how I would use NoteOne in a high school class
situation? For both teachers and students.

Thanks for any input.

Erik Sojka

I had a physics teacher in college who would use overhead transparencies
during his lectures. The day after lecture, he would have photocopies of
the previous day's notes outside of his office. You might use OneNote on
a computer hooked up to a projector for class, then distribute that day's
*.ONE file to the students.

The online help for the Shared Session feature might help you to see if
that feature is applicable.

John Morrissey

Excellent idea. Each teacher has a LCD project the we hook up to our
laptops. I tend to lecture using powerpoint with the students. I thought it
would be a great idea to have students use this program, and put the question

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