Could use some help with PowerPoint



Hello fellas, I know very litte about computers and I'd appreciate some
help instead of making fun of me.

I have these 4 documents in Powerpoint that I need to study but I can't
study by looking at the monitor so I rather print them and carry them
around with me and browse them whenever I can.

Here's the problem, the document's background is full of coulour (it's
not a white background with colored letters writen over it) so
basically If I try to print this 500 page document I'll blow a ton of
toner. I'm not sure If I'm making myself clear on what the problem is,
I essentially want to print this but without spending massive ammounts
of printer toner.

Is there a way to alter the background color to white so the printer
doesn't spend as much? But what if the background is black and the
letters are white, if I change the background to white I'll lose the
ability tro see the letters? If somebody can offer some suggestions I'd
appreciate it, I went to some printing shop and he said he'd take care
of it but it would cost me 500 Dollars (it's a 500 page document )
which is just insane.

I'm really terrible at this computer stuff plus I have ADD so any help
would be great.


John Wilson

In the print dialogue box choose "pure black and white" in the box labelled

If you want to see what you'll get before you print off 500 pages Go to view
color/greyscale > pure B&W in the normal ppt view.
Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist


John said:
In the print dialogue box choose "pure black and white" in the box labelled

If you want to see what you'll get before you print off 500 pages Go to view

It's looking much more acceptable. Thank you, John.


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