Could Visio cover financial transaction flowcharts e.g shareholdi.



It would be helpful if Visio were set up in its standard charts to also cover

- Shareholding structures (unlike org charts, typically the tree is upside
down with many entities at the top and one company held by all shareholders
at the bottom

- Jont venture structures in companies, again similar to an org chart but
two trees can end up into one box

- Money and asset flows such as for loans and collateral, &A transactions,
Swaps and derivatives transactions. The sort of boxes often found in
financial magazines.

- Look forward to standardised templates for this. Adding some picturs such
as share certicats, dollar signs etc would also be nice.


Roland Janssens

Al Edlund

just for the fun of it I created a flowchart and then
Shapes => Layout Shapes => Direction = BottomToTop
your mileage may vary,


Dear Al
Thank you will definetely try this; Its much appreciated. The mileage is
still limited though. I would still prefer it, if Microsoft included some
financial/legal structures as standard for template. I'll add some as I go