Could you add telephone call origianation & answering to Outlook?



There are several telephone call origination and answering machine software
packages available, however we are no aware of any of them that integrate
with Outlook. Is anyone aware of such software that integrates with Outlook?

Where we use Outlook to track all of our contacts email and business manager
relations it would be nice to have more functionality with the telephone call
services of the package. At the present time the phone call link where you
have to handle the call with the telephone and pick up the phone tell the
software to dial and then when you are done you have to again tell the
software the call is over is way cumbersome. Could you give the option to
use the computer headset and microphone as the telephone speaker and mic and
let Outlook handle the call directly rather than having the user manually
manipulate Outlook to have awareness of the call's connection and end.

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