Count and Add 1 to the count value


Vijay DSK

Hi all,
Thanks for this forum for the help rendered in my previous issues.
Now stucked up with another one.
It is like ....
col1 col2
what i am looking is in column 2 a formula or function which gives as follows
col1 col2
1 001
2 001
3 001
1 002
2 002
1 003
Hope i am clear in asking the question

Fred Smith

How about:

b1: 1 [format as "000"]
b2: =if(a2<a1,b1+1,b1)
Copy down


Vijay DSK

Thanks for your help Teethless Mama,
and another small help required from you.
I observed that the formula is giving the number automatically.
now what i am looking is the formula should consider the number of entries
on a single date and for all them it should maintain the same (only one)
number. the number should change only when the date changed.
Hope I am clear in asking.
Thanks in advance.

Fred Smith

I still haven't changed my advice. What happened when you tried it?


Vijay DSK

Fred the values are not changing when i increased the value

the following is the result of your advice

1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
1 2
1 2
2 2
1 3
3 3
4 3
6 3

Please look into this and a speedy advice not only this but also on my
another request in this post.

Thanks in advance

Fred Smith

Had you followed my advice, you would have received the following results:

1 001
2 001
3 001
4 001
5 001
1 002
1 002
2 002
1 003
3 003
4 003
6 003

Is this not what you wanted? If it's not, then tell me what you want. Saying
"it doesn't work" doesn't give me much to go on.

Also, my records show that you posted your initial question at 7:36 on
09/26. I replied at 7:51 on the same day. I'm sorry if that wasn't speedy
enough for you.


Vijay DSK

An example of what i am looking is (consider the same example ur using)
In your last reply you have mentioned 2 columns. In the 1st column 1 was
appearing 4 times and as per my requirement the 4th "1" must have a serial
number as "004". but it was showing "003" only.
Like wise the number 3 was appearing 2 times, means it should have "002" and
like wise number 4 and number 6 also showing different values.
I can understand how speed you are. Any how once again thanks for your
advice and looking into this.

Hope i am clear in asking... Please follow this entire post so that you can
find what exactly i am looking at.


Vijay DSK

Tried your advice again the same issue the last row with the value "6" in
col a. it was show the result as "003" instead of "001" as the value 6 is
appearing first time.

Please advise me correct solution.

Fred Smith

Then you want the Countif formula from Teethless Mama. What was wrong with


Vijay DSK

The Counif formula given by Teethless Mama was working well and accepted on
9/26/2008 9:23 PM PST. But on the same reply, am asking for another help
which was pasted here for your ready ref in braces

(Thanks for your help Teethless Mama,
and another small help required from you.
I observed that the formula is giving the number automatically.
now what i am looking is the formula should consider the number of entries
on a single date and for all them it should maintain the same (only one)
number. the number should change only when the date changed.
Hope I am clear in asking.
Thanks in advance. )
So pls look into this n suggest if u can. I hope we are drifting away from
the issue.

Thanks once again

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