I work for a Truancy Reduction Center. We receive referrals from ove
50 schools in the district for kids who are truant. We'd like to kno
the number of referrals a specific school sent us during a specifi
month. Referral Dates are in F4:F500 and School Names are G4:G500.
This is what I've been trying:
09-10'!f4:f500,"yyyymm")="200910"),--('Client Lo
These functions work separately, but don't seem to want to pla
together. I just read a suggested related thread talking about Wil
Cards? Thanks for all your help!
I work for a Truancy Reduction Center. We receive referrals from ove
50 schools in the district for kids who are truant. We'd like to kno
the number of referrals a specific school sent us during a specifi
month. Referral Dates are in F4:F500 and School Names are G4:G500.
This is what I've been trying:
09-10'!f4:f500,"yyyymm")="200910"),--('Client Lo
These functions work separately, but don't seem to want to pla
together. I just read a suggested related thread talking about Wil
Cards? Thanks for all your help!