Count cells with fill color and retain code - Mr. Umlas Can you he

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Counting Cells With Fill Color

I copied some VBE code from and pasted it into the VBA
editor in my Excel spreadsheet. Then I used '=ColorIndex(cell)='color index
number' to find out what index number my color is. Then I used
'=SumProduct(--(COLORINDEX(cell range)='color index number')) to add up the
cells that have that color. This works great. However, when I save the
Excel document and then need to go back to it, I get a #name? error. Why is
this happening. I really would like to be able to use this code, but can't
figure out why it doesn't work correctly.


Pam Mahan

Billy Liddel


Press the F9 key to force calculation and it should work. Excel does not
recognise UDFs imediately unless they are installed in an AddIn.


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