Count colored words



Hello everyone

I have this problem I can't solve.. hope someone can help me out:

I have a document which contains lots of pages with different colored
words: blue, green and black. I need to count the amount of words with
each color.

I did a for-next all along the words collection but it takes too much
time. I was wondering if there is another way of doing this, maybe
highlighting colored words and moving them to another document, don't

Thanks in advance,

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Provided the color is font color, you can do it.

1. Using the Find dialog, click on More to display the full dialog, then
click Format | Font and select the appropriate font color.

2. Leave the "Find what" box empty. Check the box for "Highlight all items

3. Click Find All.

Word will tell you how many bits it's found, which may suffice if the words
are isolated, but if some of them are together in phrases, click back in the
document (click on the title bar to give the document focus without
deselecting the found words), Copy, and Paste into a new document. Then use
Tools | Word Count to get the count.

4. Repeat for each additional color.

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