Hi everyone
I have one macro for sum by color working on french computer. For eglish version you sh=
oud be able change "SommeSelonCouleur" par "SumByColor", as well as "IndexCouleur=
" ...and descriptions of colors (3 Rouge is 3 Red and so on..)
Its working as *.xla so you can have it in your Addins
How to use it:
You install the .xla and when you click with the right button you will find on the top of=
menu "Somme par couleur". you choose the area to sum and that is it.
PS: It's not working with conditionnal color formating
Public tabCouleurs, tabColors(1 To 41, 1 To 2)
Sub MainMenu()
'commande du menu contextuel des cellules
'ex=C3=A9cuter une fois, ou mettre dans le Workbook_AddinInstall
'd'une macro compl=C3=A9mentaire
Dim mCtrl As CommandBarPopup
Set mCtrl =3D Application.CommandBars("Cell"). _
Controls.Add(msoControlPopup, before:=3D1)
With mCtrl
.Caption =3D "Somme par couleur"
.OnAction =3D "AddCouleurs"
.BeginGroup =3D True
End With
End Sub
Private Sub AddCouleurs()
'ajoute =C3=A0 la commande du menu contextuel des cellules
'autant d'entr=C3=A9es qu'il y a de couleurs utilis=C3=A9es dans la feuille active=
Dim mCtrl As CommandBarPopup, bCtrl As CommandBarButton
Set mCtrl =3D Application.CommandBars("Cell"). _
Controls("Somme par couleur")
For I =3D mCtrl.Controls.Count To 1 Step -1
For I =3D LBound(tabCouleurs) To UBound(tabCouleurs)
With mCtrl.Controls.Add(msoControlButton)
.Caption =3D NomCouleur(tabCouleurs(I)) & " (" & tabCouleurs(I) & ")"
.FaceId =3D 2170
.OnAction =3D "'Compte """ & tabCouleurs(I) & """'"
End With
'plus une pour d=C3=A9truire le menu si besoin
Set bCtrl =3D mCtrl.Controls.Add(msoControlButton)
With bCtrl
.Caption =3D "Effacer ce menu"
.FaceId =3D 3265
.BeginGroup =3D True
.OnAction =3D "DelMainMenu"
End With
End Sub
Sub Compte(IndexCouleur)
'proc=C3=A9dure OnAction des commandes de chaque couleur
'la fonction de somme des cellules de la couleur choisie
'est inscrite dans la cellule active
Dim plage As Range, Msg$
Msg =3D "S=C3=A9lectionnez la plage qui contient" & vbLf
Msg =3D Msg & "les cellules de couleur '" & _
NomCouleur(CLng(IndexCouleur)) & "'" & vbLf
Msg =3D Msg & "que vous voulez additionner :"
'choix de la plage qui contient les cellules =C3=A0 sommer
On Error Resume Next
Set plage =3D Application.InputBox(Msg, "Somme par couleur", , , , , , 8)
If plage Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
'la cellule active ne doit pas =C3=AAtre dans la plage examin=C3=A9e
If Not Intersect(plage, ActiveCell) Is Nothing Then
Msg =3D "La cellule active fait partie de la plage =C3=A0 examiner." & vbLf
Msg =3D Msg & "Risque de r=C3=A9f=C3=A9rence circulaire. Abandon !"
MsgBox Msg, , "Somme par couleur"
Exit Sub
End If
'si la cellule active n'est pas libre
If Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then
If MsgBox("La cellule active n'est pas vide. Continuer ?", vbYesNo, _
"Somme par couleur") =3D vbNo Then Exit Sub
End If
'renvoi de la formule dans la cellule active
ActiveCell.FormulaLocal =3D _
"=3DSommeSelonCouleur(" & plage.Address(0, 0) & ";" & CLng(IndexCouleur) & ")"
End Sub
'pour faire la somme des cellules *sans* couleur, passer -4142 pour Couleur
Function SommeSelonCouleur(Plage_=C3=A0_examiner As Range, _
Couleur_=C3=A0_sommer As Long) As Double
'L Longre, mpfe
Dim Arr, I As Long, J As Integer
Application.Volatile True
Arr =3D Plage_=C3=A0_examiner
For I =3D 1 To UBound(Arr, 1)
For J =3D 1 To UBound(Arr, 2)
If Plage_=C3=A0_examiner(I, J).Interior.ColorIndex =3D _
Couleur_=C3=A0_sommer Then
SommeSelonCouleur =3D SommeSelonCouleur + Arr(I, J)
End If
Next J
Next I
End Function
Sub DelMainMenu()
'd=C3=A9truit la commande principale du menu contextuel des cellules
'(=C3=A0 mettre =C3=A9ventuellement dans l'=C3=A9v=C3=A9nement Workbook_Addi=
'd'une macro compl=C3=A9mentaire)
On Error Resume Next
Application.CommandBars("Cell"). _
Controls("Somme par couleur").Delete
End Sub
'*****Traitements des tableaux globaux*****
Private Function NomCouleur(Idx) As String
'renvoi le nom de la couleur dans la palette d'Excel =C3=A0 partir de l'index
' InitNomsCouleurs
For I =3D 1 To 41
If tabColors(I, 1) =3D Idx Then
NomCouleur =3D tabColors(I, 2)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Private Sub CouleursUtilis=C3=A9es()
'remplit le tableau des couleurs utilis=C3=A9es dans la feuille active
Dim Vue As Boolean, I&, J&, cell As Range
Dim IdxCouleur&
I =3D 0
ReDim tabCouleurs(0)
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If cell.Interior.ColorIndex <> -4142 Then
Vue =3D False
IdxCouleur =3D cell.Interior.ColorIndex
For J =3D LBound(tabCouleurs) To UBound(tabCouleurs)
If tabCouleurs(J) =3D IdxCouleur Then
Vue =3D True: Exit For
End If
If Not Vue Then
tabCouleurs(I) =3D IdxCouleur
I =3D I + 1
ReDim Preserve tabCouleurs(I)
End If
End If
tabCouleurs(I) =3D -4142
End Sub
Sub InitNomsCouleurs()
'remplit le tableau qui donne l'=C3=A9quivalence entre le ColorIndex
'et le nom de la couleur dans la palette d'Excel
tabColors(1, 1) =3D 1: tabColors(1, 2) =3D "Noir"
tabColors(2, 1) =3D 9: tabColors(2, 2) =3D "Rouge fonc=C3=A9"
tabColors(3, 1) =3D 3: tabColors(3, 2) =3D "Rouge"
tabColors(4, 1) =3D 7: tabColors(4, 2) =3D "Rose"
tabColors(5, 1) =3D 38: tabColors(5, 2) =3D "Rose saumon"
tabColors(6, 1) =3D 53: tabColors(6, 2) =3D "Marron"
tabColors(7, 1) =3D 46: tabColors(7, 2) =3D "Orange"
tabColors(8, 1) =3D 45: tabColors(8, 2) =3D "Orange clair"
tabColors(9, 1) =3D 44: tabColors(9, 2) =3D "Or"
tabColors(10, 1) =3D 40: tabColors(10, 2) =3D "Brun"
tabColors(11, 1) =3D 52: tabColors(11, 2) =3D "Vert olive"
tabColors(12, 1) =3D 12: tabColors(12, 2) =3D "Marron clair"
tabColors(13, 1) =3D 43: tabColors(13, 2) =3D "Citron vert"
tabColors(14, 1) =3D 6: tabColors(14, 2) =3D "Jaune"
tabColors(15, 1) =3D 36: tabColors(15, 2) =3D "Jaune clair"
tabColors(16, 1) =3D 51: tabColors(16, 2) =3D "Vert fonc=C3=A9"
tabColors(17, 1) =3D 10: tabColors(17, 2) =3D "Vert"
tabColors(18, 1) =3D 50: tabColors(18, 2) =3D "Vert marin"
tabColors(19, 1) =3D 4: tabColors(19, 2) =3D "Vert brillant"
tabColors(20, 1) =3D 35: tabColors(20, 2) =3D "Vert clair"
tabColors(21, 1) =3D 49: tabColors(21, 2) =3D "Bleu-vert fonc=C3=A9"
tabColors(22, 1) =3D 14: tabColors(22, 2) =3D "Bleu-vert"
tabColors(23, 1) =3D 42: tabColors(23, 2) =3D "Vert d'eau"
tabColors(24, 1) =3D 8: tabColors(24, 2) =3D "Turquoise"
tabColors(25, 1) =3D 34: tabColors(25, 2) =3D "Turquoise clair"
tabColors(26, 1) =3D 11: tabColors(26, 2) =3D "Bleu fonc=C3=A9"
tabColors(27, 1) =3D 5: tabColors(27, 2) =3D "Bleu"
tabColors(28, 1) =3D 41: tabColors(28, 2) =3D "Bleu clair"
tabColors(29, 1) =3D 33: tabColors(29, 2) =3D "Bleu ciel"
tabColors(30, 1) =3D 37: tabColors(30, 2) =3D "Bleu moyen"
tabColors(31, 1) =3D 55: tabColors(31, 2) =3D "Indigo"
tabColors(32, 1) =3D 47: tabColors(32, 2) =3D "Bleu-gris"
tabColors(33, 1) =3D 13: tabColors(33, 2) =3D "Violet"
tabColors(34, 1) =3D 54: tabColors(34, 2) =3D "Prune"
tabColors(35, 1) =3D 39: tabColors(35, 2) =3D "Lavande"
tabColors(36, 1) =3D 56: tabColors(36, 2) =3D "Gris-80%"
tabColors(37, 1) =3D 16: tabColors(37, 2) =3D "Gris-50%"
tabColors(38, 1) =3D 48: tabColors(38, 2) =3D "Gris-40%"
tabColors(39, 1) =3D 15: tabColors(39, 2) =3D "Gris-25%"
tabColors(40, 1) =3D 2: tabColors(40, 2) =3D "Blanc"
tabColors(41, 1) =3D -4142: tabColors(41, 2) =3D "(Aucune)"
End Sub