Count Dates in a range


Jim G

I'm, trying to count dates in a column to determine the number of dates after
the current date in order to present the user with a messge to check for
overdue jobs and the number of jobs due today, when the sheet is opened or
activated. I testing the following code:

Sub CountDates()

Dim Dt As Date

Dt = Date ' todays date

With Worksheets("Jobs")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'last row of job data
End With

Set StartCell = Range("Q4") ' starting range
Set Endcell = Range("Q" & LastRow) 'ending range
oDue = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(StartCell, Endcell), "<"
& Dt) 'counts the number of dates earlier than today

MsgBox oDue & " Jobs are overdue"

End Sub

I have ensured that the dates are entered in each cell as a date dd/mm/yyy.
The result is always 0 using "<" or ">". If text is entered in the range (a
heading) it returns a positive count with ">" but not "<". Strangley
Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(StartCell, Endcell), Dt) counts
the correct number of dates = to Dt.

The result I'm looking for is a message "There are N jobs due today and N
jobs are overdue".

I'm using XL2007

Any ideas or other solutions



In your test code try using

oDue = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range(StartCell, Endcell), "<" & Format(Dt, "0")) 'counts the number of dates earlier than toda

If that works, then expand for your full requirement.



Jim G

Thanks rylo,

I don't know how you knew that but it works.

Is there a place I should have been able to find this knowledge intuitively?

MS XL drives me nuts, but I can't live without it!!



Not sure which but you were referring to, but if it is making sure yo
are on the right sheet, then it was just painful experience!!!!


Jim G

I seems your reply on '' has an extra line not in this forum.

The but I was refering to was knowing how to use '& Format(Dt, "0")) ' to
get the to get the code to work. I couldn't find this anywhere in Excel.

I was aware of the active sheet issue, in this case "Jobs" is always the
active sheet. However, I get point and have had a similar painful experience
and should change it.

BTW: how does this thread end up in ''?



1) That was just playing and, again, experience. Dates really are only
formatted numbers, so all I did was take the string and "force" it be in
the raw date number format, so it would action the correct things. Took
me a while to work it out (I don't say I'm the first, and I've probably
seen it somewhere else, but don't specifically remember!!!).

2) I don't know. I'll see if I can find an answer somewhere.


Simon Lloyd

Gents, the posts on the newsgroups are imported to The Code Cage so folk
can see all the posts in one place with an easy to follow/read
interface. Posts to the newsgroups come from a variety of other forums
too, when a post is made in a participating forum it is also posted to
the newsgroup, likewise if a newsgroup post is answered in the forum it
too is posted to the newsgroup which is why it appeared that Rylo
replied from The Code Cage a forum dedicated to help with Microsoft
Office applications.

Simon Lloyd

Simon Lloyd
'' (

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