Count Function



I have 3 colums of data with multiple rows. the first two columns contain
"x"'s while the third contains 1 alphabet. I'm trying to set up a formula
that says if column 3=N, and there is an "x" in column 1 or 2 count "x"
seperatly in each column. (ie. total column would be N, E S,W, then each row
would have a total for "x"'s in that particular row. Same thing, if Column
3=N, if Column 3=S, if Column 3=W. I've been trying for days to get this and
I'm giving up. Can any of you nice folks help?

Duke Carey

Your statement of the problem isn't too clear but, assuming the Ns, Es, etc
are in column C and the Xs are in columns A & B, you can use this count the
entries in col A


and this for col B



Thank you for your help Duke. Your assumptions are correct; however, it does
not work. I need a count of how many x's are in column A for each(N E S W)
and I need a count of how many x's are in column B for the same. I know I
have to list N E S W somehwhere and then I need a count for x's for each to

Duke Carey

What exactly do you mean by "it does not work"?

MO said:
Thank you for your help Duke. Your assumptions are correct; however, it does
not work. I need a count of how many x's are in column A for each(N E S W)
and I need a count of how many x's are in column B for the same. I know I
have to list N E S W somehwhere and then I need a count for x's for each to


Sorry for the confusion. Here's what I'm trying to do.
Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
x N
x E
x S
x W
x S
x E
x N
x N
x N
x E

N 0 0



I was off on 3/13. It "kinda" works! However, there are two counts I need.
I need the cound of all N, E, S, W by column and then a total of all x's in
each column. Here's another sample of what I'm trying to do. I manually put
totals in where I need them. Any other assistance you can provide is truly
appreciated. Thank you so much for your patience.

x N
x E
x S
x W
x S
x E
x N
x N
x N
x E
N 2 2
E 1 2
S 2 0
W 1 0

Richard Buttrey


I was off on 3/13. It "kinda" works! However, there are two counts I need.
I need the cound of all N, E, S, W by column and then a total of all x's in
each column. Here's another sample of what I'm trying to do. I manually put
totals in where I need them. Any other assistance you can provide is truly
appreciated. Thank you so much for your patience.

x N
x E
x S
x W
x S
x E
x N
x N
x N
x E
N 2 2
E 1 2
S 2 0
W 1 0


The SUMPRODUCT formula works for me OK.

Just to repeat. Put your example table above in A1:C10 (i.e. the x's
in columns A & B and the N, E, S W etc in Col C.

Then in E1:E4 enter N, E, S & W

Then in F1 enter


This will result in '2' i,e the number of N's in col 1.

Now copy this formula to F1:G4 and you should have the small summary
table you identify above.

The totals of all the x's is of course a simple SUM(F1:F4) formula in
F5 and SUM(G1:G4) in G5

Was it a typo above when you say the total number of x's in col B is
2. Surely that should be 4?

If I'm still misunderstanding your problem, please post back.


Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK



Thanks for your patience. I manually typed in totals for Column B, that is
why they are not accurate. Your formula works. However, it gives me the
number of x's in Column A only not Column B. It seems confusing for me to
have the totals in columns E & F. I would like to have the totals in the
same column (i.e. totals for column A in Column A, etc.) For example there
are 6 x's in column A. I would like below column A to show 2 x's are N, 1 x
is E, 2x's are S, 1 x is W. Then in the same column I would like to total
the number of x's, which in this case is 6. So if you add N, E, S, W in
column A you get 6. Does this make sense? I'm sorry for the long delay, but
I will be checking all day to see if you can help. I appreciate your assist
thus far

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