Count if - background colour & value



I'm trying to count cells which have a certain background
colour, but which also have a specific value.

I'm able to count background colour using this:

For Each Rng In inrange.Cells
'' If activecell.value <= 52 Then "this bit doesn't work"
If OfText = True Then
CountbyColour = CountbyColour - (Rng.Interior.ColorIndex
= 38)
End If
Next Rng
End Function

But i can't get the function to work if i addin the
condition of cell value, as well as background colour.

I've also tried leaving the criteria out of the function
and enforcing the criteria in the cell by using
=IF(A1:B10 <=52,countbycolour(A1:B10,38,TRUE),"0")

But it ignores the "<= 52" bit

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


J.E. McGimpsey

instead of using ActiveCell, which won't change in your loop, use

For Each Rng In inrange.Cells
If Rng.Value <= 52 Then _
If ofText = True Then _
CountbyColour = CountbyColour - _
(Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 38)
Next Rng

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