count in report



I have a report that in the group footer are 5 txtboxes. Each textbox is to
count the number of different items each text box is for within each group.
The field that each textbox is to count is ProjectType. I am able to get the
count of all with =Count([ProjectType]) but it is after that for specifying
what to count is where I am failing. An example of what would be in the
field is "Stewardship". I am placing the count into the textbox
ControlSource as an expression.

Can someone out there point me in the right direction?

*** John


If you read this, thanks for taking the time to do so. No response is needed
as I finally got it figured out. Thanks.
*** John

Michel Walsh


=DCount("*", "tableNameHere", "ProjectType='Stewardship' ")

should do.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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