Count number of shifts...



We currently have approx. 700 schedules in our scheduling software and
we often need to export them to count how many Mon - Fri, Tue - Sat,
Sun - Thr shifts. Being a 24x7 operation, the combination of days
worked vary alot. Ex. Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat, Sun. The format of our
export is MTWRF--. Dashes always indicate days off. In addition, to
count the number of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shift schedules - an indicator
accompanies each schedule. These are FT1, FT2, FT3, PT1, PT2, PT3. FT
= Full Time (number = shift).

I have tried IF statements, countif, etc... My problem is that there
are so many variations of days off that I cannot place the logic in
them. To further their complexity, some are Part Time and some work 5
x 8 schedules, others have 4 x 10's.

Can anyone assist me some code or formula that will read:

-T---YS PT2

and tell me that I have 2 Monday - Friday FT3 schedules / 2 double-day
weekend FT1 schedules / 1 double-day PT2 schedule.

We only need their Shift (FT1, PT1, etc.), single or double day
weekend, or no weekend days (Mon - Fri) in the reports.

Any and all help is appreciated!


I assume your export is to a text file. If so write a macro to import the
data. Put the shift into column A then used B - G to store a zero if the day
is a rest day and a one if a work day. This can be done by checking each of
the first seven characters in each line.

This should make the data more managable

Tom Ogilvy

A1: Shift
B1: Cat
B2: FT1
C1: Double
C2: =if(sum(countif(A2,{"Y","S"}))=2,1,0)
D1: Single
D2: =if(sum(countif(A2,{"Y","S"}))=1,1,0)
E1: Mon-Fri
E2: =if(sum(countif(A2,{"Y","S"}))=0,1,0)

Now select C2:E2 and drag fill down the column

then select A1:E (lastrow) and do
Data=>Pivot Table Report

Select layout and Drag the buttons:
Shift as a row field
Double to the column area
Single to the column area
Mon-Fri to the column area
Double to the data area (make sure it says COUNT of)
Single to the data area (make sure it says COUNT of)
Mon-Fri to the data area (make sure it says COUNT of)
Click OK
Click finish.


I usually export to Access - then move to Excel.

Tony, you're absolutely right. But replacing a "M" with a 1, doesn't
reduce the number of day-of -week variations. There would still be a
huge number of combinations.

Tom, maybe I'm missing something, but all of my data is approx. 700+
rows and each is different. The schedule and shift data are not in
separate rows. Is there a way I can quickly format rows that contain
MTW--YS, FT3 to the format you define?

Thanks guys!

Tom Ogilvy

I never assumed they were on separate rows since that isn't what you

I do have some corrections. In all cases, the formula should be like:

C2: =IF(SUM(COUNTIF(A2,{"*Y*","*S*"}))=2,1,0)
D2: =IF(SUM(COUNTIF(A2,{"*Y*","*S*"}))=1,1,0)
E2: =IF(SUM(COUNTIF(A2,{"*Y*","*S*"}))=0,1,0)

Also, you don't need anything in the Column area and the 3 buttons in the
data area shoud be SUM of instead of COUNT of.

I have implemented this with your data and it produced:

Cat Sum of Double Sum of Single Sum of Mon-Fri
FT1 2 0 0
FT3 0 0 2
PT2 1 0 0
Grand Total 3 0 2

putting in 3 formulas and then filling down the column takes about 15

Not sure what you consider fast. Buiding the pivot table takes about 30
seconds once you have it worked out.

I will send you sample workbook at (e-mail address removed) assuming it is legit.


Tom, just got into the office. The sample workbook helped a great
deal! I exported the data, keyed your formula, and set up the pivot
table. Works like a charm!

I must have misread your first reply, thinking that shift and category
had to be in every other row. My apologies.

You've helped me a great deal - thank you!!!

Best regards,

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