Count of records for groups on a report



Is it possible to get a count of records meeting a certain criteria for
each group in a report?


******************Group Header*****************************
Group 1
Total Number of Records: 5
Number of Records in Stock: 3

******************Group Header*****************************
Group 2
Total Number of Records: 4
Number of Records in Stock: 2


Al Campagna

I like to do most of my calculations in the query behind the report, so that they are
all in one place. I do use the report footers for just the "summary" calculations.
I'll assume a field called InStock as a boolean True/False checkbox... you use your own
In your case, a calculated column in the query like this...

InStockCount : IIF([InStock] = True, 1, 0)

In the Group or Report footer...
= Sum(InStockCount)
would yield the count of records that have an InStock = True.

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