Count Percentages in a range



What I am trying to do is count percentages in a column of data that fall
within a certain range. For example, if I have 61.2%, 63%, 64.5%, 70% in a
range, I want to be able to say I have "x" number in a range between 60% -
70%. How can I do that?

Luke M

Assuming data is in column A
Note that this excluded 60.0% and 70.0%


Thanks Luke but it didn't seem to work. It's counting all the numbers in
Column A versus only those in the parameter. If I have 10 numbers in the
column, it tells me that there are 10 numbers in the parameter; not the
number that falls in between the paramenter.


I was typing the formula incorrectly - it does work. Thank you so much for
your help!

David Biddulph

It's always better to copy the formula from the newsgroup and paste into the
formula bar of your worksheet, rather than trying to retype.

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