Count Print Jobs

  • Thread starter Todd Huttenstine
  • Start date

Todd Huttenstine


Is it possible to count the number of times someone
printed something in a spreadhseet?

For instance lets say I in workbook "Test.xls" and
worksheet "Todd". Lets say I run the following code 5

Worksheets("Wkly Renewals").Range("D7:F" & RngCounter +

If this is the case I need for the counter to keep track
and see this was my 5th time printing.

Thank you
Todd Huttenstine

Frank Kabel

Hi Todd
you could use the Beforeprint workbook event and store a value in your
sheet (or in a static variable)

Todd Huttenstine

How would I do that as a static variable?

-----Original Message-----
Hi Todd
you could use the Beforeprint workbook event and store a value in your
sheet (or in a static variable)

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany


Frank Kabel

using the Beforeprint event put something like the following in your
workbook module:
Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)
Static print_count
print_count = print_count + 1
MsgBox "print Job: " & print_count
End Sub

Note: This will also count the print preview

If you invoke the printing from a macro use something like the

sub foo()
static print_count
Worksheets("Wkly Renewals").Range("D7:F" & RngCounter + 2).PrintOut
print_count = print_count + 1
MsgBox "print Job: " & print_count
end sub

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