Count records in printout



Using A97, I need to count the patients on a listing, with two exceptions.
They are not counted if they are 'In Hospital' (a Yes/No field). They are not
counted if the same name appears on a second line (the patient has more than
one entry). Here is an example of how the report should look.
1 Albert Product used ...
2 Carr Product used...
Carr Product used... Not added because it is the
same patient
3 Ralph Product used...
Fred Product used... Not added due to in hospital
4 Alfred Product used...
Thank you for any help.

Allen Browne

1. In the Sorting and Grouping, choose the PatientID field, and turn on the
Group Footer section. Access will add a new section to the report for the
PatientID Group Footer.

2. In this section, add a text box and set these properties:
Control Source =IIf([In Hospital], 0, 1)
Running Sum Over All
Format General Number
Name txtPatientCountRS

3. In the Report Footer section, add a text box and set its Control Source

4. (Optional) Set the Visible property of the new PatientID Group Section to
No, so it does not take up any space on your report.

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