Count Records Think I got it



I got it to work, might not be the best way. I was using
excell formulas, I made a new field in the querry.
iff([sold]>0,1,"") would not work, but i took off false
value it worked, iff([sold]>0,1,}
If this is not good please let me know

John Spencer (MVP)

You might try the following to count the values where sold was greater than zero.


Your second immediate if (Iif) also works because it is returning a null when
Sold is zero, null or less than zero. The first one was returning a zero-length
string which counts as a value.
I got it to work, might not be the best way. I was using
excell formulas, I made a new field in the querry.
iff([sold]>0,1,"") would not work, but i took off false
value it worked, iff([sold]>0,1,}
If this is not good please let me know
-----Original Message-----
In my report I need to count 2 different fields from my
querry. One is a text field the other is currency.
My text field is for purchases for sale. the currency is
for profit of items sold. What I need is a count of how
many items we bought and what we sold. Since items
bought will always be more than items sold. I cannot
figgure out how to do this and the help does not address
this. If I put >0 in the critiria for the currency field
it will only return what is sold, the bought then is
wrong it is equal to sold. If I do no critiria, the
currency field returns total of all entries, when most of
them are $0 and the purchase field is correct. I also
tried to make a new field where I made a iff statememt,
iff[sold=>0,1,""] this worked and returned the 1 in a
new field, but when I tried to do a count or sum of the
field it would not work.
What am I doing wrong. Is it possible to count dollar
amounts, over 0
thanks for any help

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