I am trying to create a report that will count the total disctint responses
for each question in a report. Here is what I have a set of 486 responses
with 40 questions. Each question has a reposinse of Yes, NO, NA or
Correction. I want to create a report to where I can summarize the count of
each response by question. Addionally I want to be able to group by
Department. Cna nayone help?
Here is what i have tried:
and the DCOUnt
for each question in a report. Here is what I have a set of 486 responses
with 40 questions. Each question has a reposinse of Yes, NO, NA or
Correction. I want to create a report to where I can summarize the count of
each response by question. Addionally I want to be able to group by
Department. Cna nayone help?
Here is what i have tried:
and the DCOUnt