Count tokens in a string


Robert Crandal

My strings variables usually contain between 2 to 5
string tokens. Here are some examples:

myVar = "Todd Jones" ' 2 tokens
myVar = "Mary Jo Lynn Jackson" ' 4 tokens
myVar = "Peter James Smith Jr." ' 4 tokens

What is a good way to get the COUNT of the number
of tokens in my string?


Claus Busch

Hi Robert,

Am Wed, 25 May 2011 13:03:31 -0700 schrieb Robert Crandal:
myVar = "Todd Jones" ' 2 tokens
myVar = "Mary Jo Lynn Jackson" ' 4 tokens
myVar = "Peter James Smith Jr." ' 4 tokens

What is a good way to get the COUNT of the number
of tokens in my string?

=LEN(myVar)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(myVar," ",))+1

Claus Busch

Rick Rothstein

My strings variables usually contain between
2 to 5 string tokens. Here are some examples:

myVar = "Todd Jones" ' 2 tokens
myVar = "Mary Jo Lynn Jackson" ' 4 tokens
myVar = "Peter James Smith Jr." ' 4 tokens

What is a good way to get the COUNT of the
number of tokens in my string?

If you know that only one space will always separate each token...

TokenCount = 1 + UBound(Split(myVar))

However, if you cannot be sure of this...

TokenCount = 1 + UBound(Split(WorksheetFunction.Trim(myVar)))

Rick Rothstein (MVP - Excel)

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