Count Unique Records in Filtered List



I was trying to work with the below function, but it is too slow:

Works alright, but doesn't handle uniques...and it is slow too

Next, I tried this code, and it is certainly fast:
Sub Sub1() ' in sheet module
Dim sCell$, iErr&, iRowV&, iCount&
Dim CollPtr1 As Collection ' pointer to object
Set CollPtr1 = New Collection ' object
For iRowV = 5 To 15000
sCell = Cells(iRowV, 3).Value
If sCell <> "" Then ' ck blank
On Error Resume Next ' don't break
CollPtr1.Add "", sCell
iErr = Err.Number
On Error GoTo 0 ' restore error processing
If iErr = 0 Then iCount = iCount + 1
End If
Next iRowV
Cells(3, 3) = iCount
End Sub

However, it doesn't count unique records in a filtered list. I've seen a
Pivot Table count uniques, when the Pivot Table has a helper column.

Is this the best way to go? Code, or a pivot table; In think functions will
be too slow (I need to do this for four columns). I'm looking for the best
solution, in terms of speed/performance.


Gary''s Student

Perhaps in place of:
If sCell <> "" Then
we use:
If sCell <> "" And Cells(iRowV, 3).Rows.Hidden=False Then

This will force the code to ignore the items that the filter has hidden.

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