Count Unique Values in a entire column, not just range



Howdy All,

I have a formula:


Which will give me a count if the unique values in the in column A, Rows 1
through 14000.

What I need is a formula I can use to count the unique values in and entire
Column, A:A. The above formula does not seem to allow that.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated.



How about just leaving out 1 row?


T. Valko

What version of Excel are you using?

For an entire column, (65,536 or 1,048,576 rows) using Excel's built-in
functions are pretty much out of the question. My machine locks up when I
try this on more than 50,000 rows of data.

Download and install the free Morefunc.xll add-in from:

Alternative download site:

Then use the COUNTDIFF function. However, this function won't accept an
entire column as a range reference. So, you'd have to set the range to one
less cell:


Also, see the help on COUNTDIFF since it has a few options as to

This function calculates very fast compared to a formula using buit-in

T. Valko

If the OP wants the most efficient method they *should* use the Morefunc
add-in. Not only is it the most efficient method you also get a library of
useful functions.

I tested the COUNTU function against the COUNTDIFF function (using Charles
Williams RangeTimer method).

Filled A2:A65536 with =ROW(). 65,535 unique entries. Average calculation
time (5 calculations):

COUNTU(A2:A65536) = 1.42 secs
COUNTDIFF(A2:A65536) = 0.04 secs

Filled A2:A65536 with random numbers from 0 to 100. 101 unique entries.
Average calculation time (5 calculations):

COUNTU(A2:A65536) = 0.38 secs
COUNTDIFF(A2:A65536) = 0.07 secs


Thanks to All.

I've load the CountU and I am using that one.
The reason I choose it was because I have to distribute the workbook and not
everyone will have the MoreFunc add-in.

Thanks again,


The reason I choose it was because I have to distribute the workbook and not
everyone will have the MoreFunc add-in.

Actually, the add-in has an option where it allows one to embed it
within the workbook. So other's don't need to install on their
computer. Note, however, it's not compatible with Mac computers.


In addition, it doesn't look like COUNTU accepts a conditional
statement, such as...


It returns #VALUE! Or is this because the VBA code is not compatible
with my Mac computer?

T. Valko

It returns #VALUE! Or is this because the VBA code
is not compatible with my Mac computer?

Nope, only takes a range argument.

COUNTDIFF will take conditionals.

Array entered:


Didn't time this but the "eyeball test" says it's still very fast.


Nope, only takes a range argument.

That's great, thanks Biff!


It returns #VALUE! Or is this because the VBA code
is not compatible with my Mac computer?

Nope, only takes a range argument.

COUNTDIFF will take conditionals.

Array entered:


Didn't time this but the "eyeball test" says it's still very fast.

Microsoft Excel MVP

Domenic said:
In addition, it doesn't look like COUNTU accepts a conditional
statement, such as...


It returns #VALUE! Or is this because the VBA code is not compatible
with my Mac computer?

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