I have a table of Customers that are assigned a Market ID and a second table
that groups the Market IDs by a range and assigns them to an Industry
For example:
Cust Table
Customer Name, Market ID
Market Table
Market IDs 1000 thru 1199, Industry1
Market IDs 1200 thru 1399, Industry2
I want a query to count the number of customers that fall in the range on
the Market Table.
Industry1 has X customers. Industry2 has X customers.
that groups the Market IDs by a range and assigns them to an Industry
For example:
Cust Table
Customer Name, Market ID
Market Table
Market IDs 1000 thru 1199, Industry1
Market IDs 1200 thru 1399, Industry2
I want a query to count the number of customers that fall in the range on
the Market Table.
Industry1 has X customers. Industry2 has X customers.