Count !!!



Hi all,
I have a sheet with the company name, employee name and the class he is
going to attend.

I want to calculate the number of emplyees are going to attend but just get
the number of classes!

Here's what I want and in brackets what I get !!!

Participantes Curso
Ajudante NC Auto Cad
Ajudante NC Microsoft Excel I
Ajudante NC Microsoft Excel II
1 (3) 3 (3)

Amorim P. Dias Iniciação à Informática
Amorim P. Dias Microsoft Excel II
1 (2) 2 (2)

António Falcão Iniciação à Informática
António Falcão Microsoft Excel II
1 (2) 2 (2)

Can someone help me on this?
Thank you very much


Hi Barbara.

I have just put up a proposed solution for you on my website:-

It is the only file on my home page.

I think that it gives you what you want.

Ignore the comment in C8 (I put that there by mistake).

If this posting has been helpful to you please hit Yes.


Billy Liddel


I'd delete the formulas and blank rows and use Subtotals. At each change in
Partisipantes, Count function and subtotals below each student.

To get the total students use something like:

=COUNTIF(I2:I11,"=*Count") where the range excludes the final total
Partisipants or =COUNTIF(I2:I11,"=*Count")-1 if the range includes the grand
Total. Column I is the text student's name.


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