Skip said:
I have about 500 sales entries. Using autosort, I pull out all
(they are scattered though out the 500)
I want then to count then number of Monday entries, but the formula
counts all and my result is 500. I know this is explained poorly.
I understand what you mean. My spreadsheet contains 40 Columns and over
8000 Rows of data.
Assuming the day is in Column B and Row 1 contains headings, use:
=COUNTIF(B2:B500,"Monday"). This counts the number of times "Monday" occurs
in a column but assumes only one transaction for that day. If you have
several transactions for a Monday (recorded in another column, say Column C)
I suggest you use =Sumif(A2:C500,"Monday",C2:C500) where:
A2:A500 defines the database under consideration;
"Monday" defines the criteria - it must be in the first column of the part
of the database under consideration;
C2:C500 defines the column to be added where the entry in Column A is
Note: If Column D contains the transaction value you can get the total of
sales for Mondays using =Sumif(A2
500). Refer to the help