Name a cell TargetDate, and enter the target date-time value like:
10/31/2003 09:45:00
Name another cell TimeToGo, and enter the formula (watch line wrapping)
=IF(NOW()<TargetDate,INT(TargetDate-NOW()) & " days, " & TEXT(((TargetDate-NOW()) - INT(TargetDate-NOW())),"hh:mm:ss"),"Done!")
Put the code below into a code module, and assign the macro StartIt to some drawing object, and the macro StopIt to another drawing
Then, to start the countdown, press the StartIt object to activate the StartIt macro, and press the StopIt object to stop the count
If you can't get it to work, I can send you a working example.
Excel MVP
Dim NextTime As Date
Public Running As Boolean
Sub StartIt()
Running = True
End Sub
Sub Update()
NextTime = Time + TimeValue("00:00:01")
If Range("TimeToGo").Value <> "Done!" Then
Application.OnTime NextTime, "Update"
End If
End Sub
Sub StopIt()
If Not Running Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
Application.OnTime NextTime, "Update", schedule:=False
Running = False
End Sub