Counter or page hits


Alex Martinez

I am using FrontPage version 2003 and my ISP is Earthlink I am wondering is there a way I can find out how many hits on my home page? I like the idea of a counter, but I don't want my viewers to actual see the counter. Any tips or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Stefan B Rusynko

Check w/ EarthLink for their web logs

I am using FrontPage version 2003 and my ISP is Earthlink I am wondering is there a way I can find out how many hits on my home
page? I like the idea of a counter, but I don't want my viewers to actual see the counter. Any tips or suggestions will be greatly
appreciated. Thank you.

Peter Aitken

Alex Martinez said:
I am using FrontPage version 2003 and my ISP is Earthlink I am wondering is
there a way I can find out how many hits on my >home page? I like the idea
of a counter, but I don't want my viewers to actual see the counter. Any
tips or suggestions will be >greatly appreciated. Thank you.

All but the lowest-end service providers provide some sort of
activity-reporting software such as WebTrends. Ask your isp. You can look in
the web logs but it is a real pain to sort out the details.

BTW it is considered a no-no to post to newsgroups in rich text or html
format because it does not display properly in all newsreaders. I am sure
you can switch to plain text.


I just set one up on my web:

- create new web page (I called mine hit_counter.htm)
- insert the web component "hit counter" & choose the
format you want

This gives you a page with only the hit counter on it -
the counter doesn't appear anywhere else in your site.

To see the number of hits, go to your web site by entering
http://yourwebname/hit_counter.htm and you will be taken
to the hit_counter page which will show you the actual
number of hits.

It's unlikely that anyone else will bother to even try to
figure out if you have a counter, or where it is, and you
don't have a link to it, so no one can get there by
-----Original Message-----
I am using FrontPage version 2003 and my ISP is
Earthlink I am wondering is there a way I can find out
how many hits on my home page? I like the idea of a
counter, but I don't want my viewers to actual see the
counter. Any tips or suggestions will be greatly
appreciated. Thank you.

Steve Easton

In that instance the counter would only increment when the hit_counter page is opened.
Opening your home page will not increment the count on hit_count.htm unless you have entered the
following in html view somewhere on the home page.

<img src="_vti_bin/fpcount.exe/?Page=hit_counter.htm|Custom=images/custom.gif" alt="Hit Counter">

And then hidden this hit counter on the home page by making a 1 pixel by 1 pixel gif to use as the
custom image so the words "Hit Counter" don't show


Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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