countif and sumif for multiple conditions



i have a huge project i am working on and I will need to use countif and sum
if for a lot of the cells in the summary page

1. Do count if and sum if work the same way except one counts instances and
one sums the cells?

2. if I use the formula helper, is the range the part that I want counted
or added up?
3. If is use that helper and I need to have several conditions met for this
to be added up or counted how do I input my conditions?

David Biddulph

If you want multiple conditions, the best way is usually to use SUMPRODUCT
(see many questions & answers in the archives of this group).
If you don't understand the functioning or the syntax of the COUNTIF or
SUMIF functions, look them up in Excel help.


I have a summary tab and a data tab

I want to count all examples in K7:K9999 (Data Tab) when the following
conditions are met:


I want to add up the total of $ in !DataQ7:Q9999 when the following
conditions are met:


Once I have those I think I can run from there

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