Countif cell coloured - again


Francis Hookam

Tom Stiller rightly pointed out
"You're counting color occurrences of color '3' when you seem to be
interested in occurrences of color '36'."

but still I cannot make sense of it which is why I wrote the following - I
should be grateful if someone can help

Thanks (JE McGimpsey) for - set out
but I don¹t know enough to understand how to implement it
- I have tried pasting the function into

Workbook1 - This Workbook(Code)


DIM WhatColorIndex as integer


WhatColorIndex = 36 ŒLight Yellow

and pasting


into A11

with some of the cells in A1:A10 coloured Light Yellow

but I have obviously got something wrong - clearly I do not understand the
use of functions (after all these years!)

As always your help will is much appreciated

Francis Hookham
Function CountByColor(InRange As Range, _
WhatColorIndex As Integer, _
Optional OfText As Boolean = False) As Long
' This function return the number of cells in InRange with
' a background color, or if OfText is True a font color,
' equal to WhatColorIndex.
Dim Rng As Range
Application.Volatile True

For Each Rng In InRange.Cells
If OfText = True Then
CountByColor = CountByColor - _
(Rng.Font.ColorIndex = WhatColorIndex)
CountByColor = CountByColor - _
(Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = WhatColorIndex)
End If
Next Rng

End Function

Bernard Rey

- I have tried pasting the function into
Workbook1 - This Workbook(Code)

You should paste it in a new Module, not in the "ThisWorkbook (Code)" sheet:
In the VBE, from the "Insert" menu, pick the "Module" item. In the
"Workbook1 - Module1 (Code)" sheet, paste the macro.

DIM WhatColorIndex as integer


WhatColorIndex = 36 ŒLight Yellow

There's no point (and no need) to do this. Don't add anything, just close
the VBE and go back to your Worksheet.
and pasting


into A11

If it's color 36 (light yellow) you want to test, you should type:

(or =COUNTBYCOLOR(A1:A10,36) which is equivalent)

That way you'll know how many cells in range A1:A10 are colored in

Typing =COUNTBYCOLOR(A1:A10,3,FALSE) as you did, would tell you how many
plain red cells you have.

Please reply to the newsgroup, and within the same thread.
Merci de répondre au groupe, et dans l'enfilade.

Bernard Rey - Toulouse / France
MVP - office:macintosh

Francis Hookam wrote :

Francis Hookam

Thanks Bernard - so we can only count the coloured cells but not sum the
values in the cells of a particular colour, which is what I really need -
pity - I shall have to write a macro which can be whistled up easily - maybe
running from "auto_open"

- I have tried pasting the function into

Workbook1 - This Workbook(Code)

You should paste it in a new Module, not in the "ThisWorkbook (Code)" sheet:
In the VBE, from the "Insert" menu, pick the "Module" item. In the
"Workbook1 - Module1 (Code)" sheet, paste the macro.

DIM WhatColorIndex as integer


WhatColorIndex = 36 ŒLight Yellow

There's no point (and no need) to do this. Don't add anything, just close
the VBE and go back to your Worksheet.
and pasting


into A11

If it's color 36 (light yellow) you want to test, you should type:

(or =COUNTBYCOLOR(A1:A10,36) which is equivalent)

That way you'll know how many cells in range A1:A10 are colored in

Typing =COUNTBYCOLOR(A1:A10,3,FALSE) as you did, would tell you how many
plain red cells you have.

Please reply to the newsgroup, and within the same thread.
Merci de répondre au groupe, et dans l'enfilade.

Bernard Rey - Toulouse / France
MVP - office:macintosh

Francis Hookam wrote :

Bernard Rey

Francis Hookam wrote :
Thanks Bernard - so we can only count the coloured cells but not sum the
values in the cells of a particular colour, which is what I really need -
pity - I shall have to write a macro which can be whistled up easily - maybe
running from "auto_open"

You simply picked the wrong macro then ;-)

On the very same Chip Pearson page, you'll fin the "Summing The Values Of
Cells With A Specific Color" macro (in fact, the next macro). And this one
will do exactly what you think it would...

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