Any assistance is greatly appreciated. I have a column of cells whic
contain text such as: "1,6,7,23" or "15,21,22" etc.
I want to count all of the cells in the column that contain the numbe
15, the numer 16, 23, and so on. It is not possible for me to brea
out the numbers into separate cells.
I've tried the following:
=isnumber(find(9,A1)) ---- which returns true or false.
=if(isnumber(find(9,A1)) 1,0) ---- which returns 1 if there is a 9 i
cell A1 or returns 0 if it isn't.
The only problem is I need to do it for a range of cells similar to
countif(A1:A23, isnumber(find(9,"what goes here??"))).
It's really not working. I'm sure I'm going about it the wrong way.
Attached is a sample spreadsheet. Thanks in advance
Attachment filename: sample.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=60658
contain text such as: "1,6,7,23" or "15,21,22" etc.
I want to count all of the cells in the column that contain the numbe
15, the numer 16, 23, and so on. It is not possible for me to brea
out the numbers into separate cells.
I've tried the following:
=isnumber(find(9,A1)) ---- which returns true or false.
=if(isnumber(find(9,A1)) 1,0) ---- which returns 1 if there is a 9 i
cell A1 or returns 0 if it isn't.
The only problem is I need to do it for a range of cells similar to
countif(A1:A23, isnumber(find(9,"what goes here??"))).
It's really not working. I'm sure I'm going about it the wrong way.
Attached is a sample spreadsheet. Thanks in advance
Attachment filename: sample.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=60658