CountIf for unfiltered cells.

  • Thread starter woodinville dave
  • Start date

woodinville dave

I'm trying to implement a countif for visible cells. When I use the filter it
doesn't seem to affect the values I get back for xlCellTypeVisible. This is
my function, I'm sure I am doing something stupid.

Function CountIfVisible(UserRange, criteria)
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
For Each cell In UserRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
If cell.Value = criteria Then
count = count + 1
End If
Next cell
CountIfVisible = count
MsgBox count
End Function

Thanks for any help,

Dave Peterson

If you're trying to use this UDF from a worksheet formula, then you're seeing
the trouble that excel has with .specialcells.

I think you're going to have to loop through the range and test to see if it's

BTW, if you're hiding rows via data|filter|autofilter, you could use the
worksheet formula:


If you're using xl2003, then you could even use:

=subtotal() was enhanced in xl2003 to ignore manually hidden rows.

woodinville dave

Yeah subtotal works for count but not countif. I wish I could just pass in a
function to subtotal to do countif.

Is there a way to test the individual cell to see if it is visible?

Tom Ogilvy

for each cell in Range("A2:A100")
if cell.EntireRow.Hidden = True then

End if

Dave Peterson

Tom answered your question, but you really aren't using the equivalent of
=countif(). You're just using =subtotal(3, ...). The 3 means that you want to
use CountA as your subtotal function.

woodinville dave

Thanks a bunch! that solved my problem. My final function is:
Function CountIfVisible(UserRange, criteria)
Dim count As Integer
count = 0
For Each cell In UserRange
If cell.EntireRow.Hidden = False Then
If cell.Value = criteria Then
count = count + 1
End If
End If
Next cell
CountIfVisible = count
End Function

Dave Peterson

Ignore this reply.

Dave said:
Tom answered your question, but you really aren't using the equivalent of
=countif(). You're just using =subtotal(3, ...). The 3 means that you want to
use CountA as your subtotal function.

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