Countif on zip codes that vary in format



A Zip Code list may contain: 12345 and 12345-6789 and 123456789

The reference cell "D1" on a seperate sheet = 12345

I want to know the number of occurances of the value in "D1" in the Zip Code
List and I need to fill down 1800 rows (D1 to D1800) with the formula.

=COUNTIF('10 yrs'!I:I,D1) returns a count of 12345 within the list but does
not capture the occurance of 12345 within the other longer strings. I cannot
seem to add a wildcard to the "D1" value.

Any thought on how I can get there?

T. Valko

Wildcards don't work on numbers. It would work on 12345-6789 which is a text
string but it won't work on the other iterations which are numbers.

Do you have any codes with leading zeros? Like:


If so, do you know if these entries are formatted as TEXT or do they use a
custom number format to display the leading zero?

As a start you can try this:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(LEFT('10 yrs'!I1:I1000,5)=D1&""))

Note that with SUMPRODUCT you *can't* use entire columns as range references
unless you're using Excel 2007.


WOW! Quick reply...

=SUMPRODUCT(--(LEFT('10 yrs'!I:I,5)=D24&"")) WORKS and I can fill down.


T. Valko

I don't think that'll work. In the U.S. we have 2 kinds of postal zip codes,
a 5 digit number and what they call zip+4 which is a 5 digit number followed
by a hyphen and 4 more digits.


In addition to those the OP also said they had what is the equivalent of the
zip+4 without the hyphen or a 9 digit number.


So, if they were looking for the 5 digit zip12345, that formula would give a
false positive because it would find 12345 in a code like 123412345

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