Thank you so much Tina. Very good!
I think I will go for the code to return the value I need so that
is useful code. Thanks a lot!
However, I think I also could use a query as a row source for
my sub form. Then I could have a calculated field that returns
a date only if myObjID=4, otherwise 0.
Then, in my subform I could have a text box with control source;
=Max([myDate ])
Oh, BTW, I wrote Min in stead of Max in my earlier posting.
This way I retrieve the right date or maximum date. But, I have
not considered speed or performance. That might be an issue here?
Jan T.
"tina" <
[email protected]> skrev i melding
well, first of all, i see that my previous post gave you the opposite
what you asked for; it should have been
=Sum(IIf([myObjID] = 4, 1, 0))
sorry about that, but it looks like you got the intent and caugth the
error - good job on both. your syntax for multiple conditions is correct,
good job again; the only issue is the the expression won't handle Leap
correctly. suggest you try the following instead, as
=Sum(IIf([myObjID]=4 And [myDate ]<=DateAdd("yyyy", -1, Date());1;0))
Next challange is to return the Minium [myDate] if [myObjID] = 4 ?
How would I write a function here, if possible? ???
do you mean you want to find the minimum [myDate] value out of all the
records in the subform's current recordset? well, the easiest way would
probably be to run a DMin() function on the table or query used as the
form's RecordSource. but if you've applied a filter to the form at
you may get inaccurate results with the DMin(). if form filtering is a
possibility, the following code will return the oldest date of the
current recordset, filtered or not, as
Public Function isMinDate()As Date
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset, dat As Date
Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone
dat = rst("myDate")
If rst("myDate") < dat Then dat = rst("myDate")
Loop Until rst.EOF
Set rst = Nothing
isMinDate = dat
Exit Function
Thank you so much! It worked perfectly.
What about two conditions? Would that also be possible to write?
Condition one: myObjID = 4
Condition two: myDate <= #02/14/09#
Here is how I solved it: =Sum(IIf([myObjID]=4 And
[myDate ]<=Date()-365;1;0))
... and that worked also
Next challange is to return the Minium [myDate] if [myObjID] = 4 ?
How would I write a function here, if possible? ???
Jan T.
"tina" <
[email protected]> skrev i melding
=Sum(IIf([myObjID] = 4, 0, 1))
to show the value in the mainform control, set the ControlSource as
make sure that NameOfSubform is the name of the subform control within
mainform, rather than the name of the subform form object in the
window. those two names may be the same or different. for more
see and look at
SubformControlName link.
I use Access 2k and have a userform with a subform.
In my subforms footer section I have a text box "txtmyObjIdCount"
returning number of myObjID. = Count([myObjID]).
Now I want to know if it is possible to count only records where
myObjID is say = 4. Is that possible to achieve? It is easy in
you can use = COUNTIF - function. How can i do this in Access.
My final goal is then to have a Text Box in my Main Form having the
source set to = txtmyObjIdCount in the footer of the subForm.
Thank you for your help!
Jan T.