CountIf Question



Suppose I have two columns of numbers:

1 7
3 -6
1 0
4 3
1 4

In cell C1 I would like to count the number of instances that there is
a 1 in column A and a number greater than zero in column B.

The answer would be 2.


T. Valko

Try one of these:

If the values in column B will always only be numeric:


If column B might also contain TEXT values:



Not Countif but how about -

=if(a1=1,if(b1>0,1,0),0) in cells C1 through C5
then in C6 =sum(c1:c5)


Assuming that the values are in A1:A5 and B1:B5 then an array formula with
count function will do the trick.


Copy the formula into cell C1 and then select the cell.

To create the array formula:-

Press F2 and then CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER together.

It will place curly brackets around the formula. (You cannot put the curly
brackets in manually.)

If you edit the formula then you need to use the CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER when
finished editing.



Dana DeLouis

With XL 2007...


I don't like Excel 2007, but this is kind of neat...
Do a Alt+Enter to break up the function, and hit Ctrl+Shift+U to toggle an
expanded formula bar. Makes it nice to read ...imo.


Stan Brown

Sun, 2 Sep 2007 20:23:26 -0400 from Dana DeLouis
I don't like Excel 2007, but this is kind of neat...
Do a Alt+Enter to break up the function, and hit Ctrl+Shift+U to toggle an
expanded formula bar. Makes it nice to read ...imo.

Is Ctrl-Shift-U necessary? In Excel 2003 it's not -- the formula bar
expands automatically for multiple lines with Alt-Enter. And with a
quick test on one formula, inserting Alt-Enter doesn't seem to hurt
the formula.

Dave Peterson

And alt-enters don't hurt the formulas in xl2003 and below, either.

(Although the formula bar won't expand and =countifs() is not available.)

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