Countif Returing Incorrect Result



I am experiencing a problem with my countif formula, and am not reall
sure what is causing it.

Here is the background data:

I have a data sheet that contains a database dump of company number an
batch number (this is a unique number assigned to each of the tim
batches they submit). This is just a partial example of the listing
there are over 1500 rows in the list

Co batch #
001C38 203,040
001C39 199,303
001C40 202,487
001C42 199,950
001C42 201,961
001E01 199,647
001E01 199,657
001E01 199,663

I have created the following formula to count how many times eac
company appears in the list.

=COUNTIF('[Payroll Data Sheet.xls]Batches Received'!$A:$A,$B12)

Where the data sheet contains the list above and B12 contains th
specific Company I am looking for.

Here is the problem:

Some of the formulas are returning incorrect data. It appears t
happen when the company number contains 001E01, or 001400, or 010100.
All of the others return just fine.

I have searched the microsoft site, and have not had any luck...thank
for your hel

Frank Kabel

try formating the company column as 'Text'. Currently these values are
seen as numbers.

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