CountIf Statement



Can anybody help?

I am creating a formula in a cell of a spreadsheet which will
Count all in stances of "distribution centre" within a column

This is achieved using the

=COUNTIF('calls closesdon 3 - 4 Dec'!G4:G14, "GROUP")

I was wondering whether it was possible in excel to use a statemen

=COUNTIF('calls closesdon 3 - 4 Dec'!G4:G14, "GROUP") and (nex

any ideas

Peo Sjoblom

You can use sumproduct to count with more than one condition multiple ranges

=SUMPRODUCT(--(Range1="GROUP"),--(Range2="Second Condition"))

If you only want to check several things like the OR function just add
multiple countif

=COUNTIF('calls closesdon 3 - 4 Dec'!G4:G14, "GROUP")+COUNTIF('calls
closesdon 3 - 4 Dec'!G4:G14, "GROUP2")

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