countif two conditions



I have seen multiple posts on this but for some reason I can't seem to get it
to work. I have two columns and need to countif two conditions are satisfied.

Gender (COL A) School (COL H)
Male Carter Middle School
Female Carter Middle School
Female Centennial
Female Carter Middle School

I want to know the number of Females at Carter Middle School. My data is on
one worksheet and I want the formula to be on another. I have this but get
an error (#NUM)

=SUMPRODUCT(--('8th Grade Field Test 1 Michigan'!H:H="Carter Middle
School"),--('8th Grade Field Test 1 Michigan'!A:A="Female"))

Thanks, Penny


SUMPRODUCT doesn't allow entire col references (H:H, A:A, etc) to be used.
Try changing the references to say, H1:H200 and A1:A200 instead, in the
formula ..


Thanks! Now I am wondering if you could help me with something else?? If I
use the same data as before but add a column L for GPA. Is there a way for
me to calculate the mean GPA for those students at Carter Middle School?

Gender (COL A) School (COL H) GPA (COL L)
Male Carter Middle School 3.5
Female Carter Middle School 2.5
Female Centennial 2.5
Female Carter Middle School 3.8

Bob Phillips

Hi Penny,

SUMPRODUCT cannot process a whole column, you have to define its range

=SUMPRODUCT(--('8th Grade Field Test 1 Michigan'!H1:H1000="Carter Middle
School"),--('8th Grade Field Test 1 Michigan'!A1:A1000="Female"))



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


One way ...

Put in M1: Carter Middle School
Put in M2: Female

Put in M3, and array-enter (press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):

M3 will return the mean GPA for "Carter Middle School"

Put in M4, and array-enter (press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER):

M4 will return the mean GPA
for "Females" in "Carter Middle School"

Adjust the ranges to suit ..

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